Wednesday, August 8, 2007

This Story comes from an insiders web page, (a must read).

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Moshe gets Rabbi Light fired from his job after 32 years of working there!
Yesterday on a real ugly day (the weather sucked, or just typical ny summer weather), Rabbi Light sat down with Moshe Rubashkin, Harvey Lang, Mulle Plotkin, and Rabbi Zirkind. The meeting was about discussing Rabbi Lights future at his job in the community council office (weatherization). The goal was to get Rabbi Light fired with a Rov involved. And thats what they got. I will have to say that Mulle Plotkin who until now has been a big Moshe Rubashkin sympathizer ( in slang: butsucker) was actually siding with Rabbi Light. Harvey Lang had no clue what the hell was going on, thats bc the meeting was in Yiddush ( I'm not sure if English would have made a difference, since he loves Moshe, G-d knows why!). And Rabbi Zirkind sat like a puppet as Moshe gave him instructions on exactly what he wants to be done to Rabbi Light. And so it was.
Moshe again got his way. At the same time he is ruining someones life. He has taken away any dignity that Rabbi Light ever had by hitting him. Now he has take n away his job. Rabbi Light was working there for 32 years, and he was and is the most liked person in the office. Now he doesnt have a job. Where is he supposed to find work at 60 years old. ( I spoke personally to four workers in the office and they told me that the reason why they havnt stood up for Rabbi Light is bc they fear that Moshe will have them fired).
But lets not lose focus. My goal is to show you on a daily basis how Moshe is a sick sadistic, barbarous, brutal, fiendish, perverse,ruthless, vicious, uncivilized piece of shit. Somebody has to get him back. And we should all be able to watch. And laugh.


Tevez said...

Rabbi Light your problem is that for $ome obvious reason you are relaying on a corrupted "Bais Din" inplanted by your attacker. This so called "Rabbis" are false and against the will of the Rebbe and the mayority of the kehilah. They and their "Master", THAT EMPOWER THEM, are MESARVIN LEDIN and abusing power. They created the biggest churbon and HEIPUCH AHAVO VEACHVO SHOLOM VEREUS in the history of the schunoh and they ASIDIM LITEIN ES HADIN and I got news for you they already do in their private lives R"L. Hashem yerachem aleyem veal bney beisom because as it looks like they do not have any rachmones on their kids and family. Chodesh Elul is around the corner I hope they get brains and open up their eyes and mind and get out of this mess. Rabbi Light go with the EMES and do the right thing and REVACH VEHATZOLO YAAMOD MIMOKOM ACHER the paarnose comes from Hashem not from a FELON AND CORRUPTED AND FALSE RABBIS. Wish you and your family the best.

Tevez said...

If you want to be effective and get the people aware and get rid of Rubashkin you have to keep this blog in a "clean" (no nivul peh) and "emes" manner. Try to keep it cool and write in a respectfull and profesional way. After you do this you must somehow get the site publicized so CH people will know about it.

Tevez said...

Plotkin is a falsher he supports Rubashking fully. The only problem he has with publiclly saying that is because he's Lights wifes uncle.